We are Becky and Erin the “BE” behind BEcoming Threads. We are two moms, with 10 kids between us, who love the power of words and how they can influence our lives for good. About 2 years ago, we noticed there was a need for more positivity in the world around us. Words have power and create emotion, so we decided, why not put positive and uplifting messages on fun, trendy apparel!? We noticed a need and came up with a simple solution to ‘Let What You Wear Tell Your Story.’ Our tee’s provide a simple reminder of the power of words and how they shape our lives. We found a passion and began our journey…
President Nelson has taught, “The Lord has more in mind for you than you have in mind for yourself! You have been reserved and preserved for this time and place…The Lord needs YOU to change the world. As you accept and follow His will for you, you will find yourself accomplishing the impossible!” So, how will you change the world!? That seems like a lot of pressure, eh!? It doesn’t have to be — it just has to be your contribution. What YOU have to bring to the table is all HE needs to work with to make a difference. Our dream was as simple as a t-shirt — it’s not like we were re-inventing something. We brought our talents and passions together to make an ordinary idea our own.
So how do we take ideas and turn them into dreams with a purpose? We first need to find out what dreams we want to pursue. What talents do you have that make you dream? What natural abilities have you had since childhood that make up who you are? We think that’s a great place to start. To seriously consider this, write down three things you are good at or are interested in. This list will help you know where to begin.
We like to think of dreams as a collection of ideas that can help us become – a band of hopes and desires that make you, YOU. We each can learn to be a curator of dreams. A curator is a person who carefully watches over something special. We should treat our dreams like we would something in a museum – with respect, awe, wonder, and even reverence maybe – those dreams will help us “[accomplish] the impossible!”
We believe the words we put into our lives, whether we read, wear or hear them, affect who we become and help us follow our dreams and identify our purpose. We would like to share three short words and phrases that have helped us organize our thoughts and propel us forward.
Begin. We all know that dreams don’t just miraculously come true. We have to force the issue. Maybe that’s what so many of us are afraid of – that real dreams take force. They take work that so often we don’t know how to do. Your idea doesn’t have to be grandiose or super original – it doesn’t have to change the world right away. One small idea can be what YOU need to do. If we sit around and stew and worry about the steps to take, we’ll never start! From the beginning of BEcoming Threads, we have kept our Heavenly Father an active participant in our dream. We don’t do much without asking what He thinks we should do next. Elder Anderson has said, “You don’t know everything, but you know enough.” It’s really ok not to know everything — no one does! You have to start somewhere to learn and to take the next step.
Keep it Simple. Nephi taught us “that by small means the Lord can bring about great things.” (1 Ne 16:29) Simplifying our priorities has helped us keep focused. We have learned that simple, small, and consistent habits are manageable and abound over time – eventually getting us to where we want to be. For example, we made vision boards for BEcoming Threads at the beginning of 2017 that helped us narrow down our most important priorities. It was so rewarding in December to look at those 5 goals we hoped to accomplish and find that they were all happening – all because we set simple, manageable goals for ourselves. Goals we thought lofty and a stretch at the time came about because of simple, but attentive consistency towards them.
Live Today Well – We can’t be great curators of dreams without taking life a day at a time. We have both learned the power of our daily planners – writing down tasks and goals for the day have helped us stay focused. It is easy to look at the hard tasks and say, “I’ll get to that tomorrow”, but we’ve learned those hard things never go away! President Monson said, “Such tomorrows rarely come unless we do something about them today.” We know that Heavenly Father only needs our best Today. Yesterday is gone, and it’s not worth worrying about what did happen. These words also help us keep a healthy balance between motherhood and business. We are constantly adjusting our day so we can give our dreams the attention they deserve, all while practicing appropriate self-care and flexibility when it comes to the needs of our families.
Nothing of value is easy. A good marriage is work. A great family is work. So are our dreams.
Trust the passion you feel. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for help. Protecting and nurturing our dreams shows our Heavenly Father that we’re ready to do the next thing. We each have a part to play and with His help, we can become who we need to BE. Wherever you are, begin. Keep it simple and Live Today Well!

We are two moms ‘B’ecky and ‘E’rin the BE behind BEcoming Threads. Everyone has a story and a path they are following. We were both asking questions about who we wanted to be and wondering if we were living “our story” to its full potential. When we realized we were both looking for the same things, we chose to bring our talents and energy together to create BEcoming Threads. Words have power and create emotion, so why not put uplifting messages on fashionable apparel? BEcoming Threads has become a way for us to purposefully fill the gaps between who we are today and who we want to BEcome.